Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Insurance Meatmarket!

The State of Arizona made a horrible transition into the Insurance Marketplace (Obamacare). They notified me that my children's insurance expired after the fact. Now my daughter Anais is burning up with fever and congestion and has no medical insurance until March. Has the goverment declared a National emergency on the flu deaths? THIRTY in Yuma, Arizona
in one month. Buracreacy is the biggest crock. Yes, Uncle Sam, I have an extra $400 plus deductible and co-pays for the monthly medical of my children although I am single and on disability.  As a State employee I used to have no pre-existing, no yearly deductible and a small co-pay. Wasn't this supposed to help families?  My daughter deserves medical coverage in a First-world country!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Part two: A little past the witching hour, but I made it. As I was saying, there are two major obstacles in a marriage or relationship that are difficult if not impossible to surpass. Would anyone care to guess the other? You guessed it drug dependency, alcohol dependency and other dependencies. If you have been with a drug or alcohol dependant person in your life, you know the chaos it causes. No one begins to understand what you are going through and what others see is only touching the surface of the problem. When I mention other dependencies I am talking about addictions such as internet porn, sexting, gambling, partner abuse or any other deviant dependency in your partner. It is very difficult to let go of these loved ones because you don't know if they can make it on their own. Believe you me, self-preservation is their main objective. They are like leeches that stick to you and begin to suck the life out of you. These addictions mentioned above need intervention and will not go away on their own. Be realistic with yourself and make a choice. Sometimes the choice is not only for yourself but for your children as well. Remember that what your children see at home growing up will be what they see as normal when they are adults. You are not alone. Many other women and MEN are experiencing the same pain. At minimum, seek help for yourself so that you can help identify what you are suffering and to help identify what you should do. Love yourself enough to get some help.

Monday, February 3, 2014


The Witching Hour is here and of course I cannot sleep. I was thinking about what is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. I came upon two most critical issues. Today, though, I would like to focus on infidelity. Not just marital, but in a relationship,  in your heart or simply by lusting someone who is not your couple. How many of us are starting to feel a little uncomfortable, reminiscing on not so proud moments in our lives. Simply put, do not allow infidelity to be a part of your life. Let me say it again for those who didn't quite understand me. DO NOT allow infidelity in your home! Why? Infidelity means there is no true love and, most importantly,  no respect. It could work the other way around as well. There is no respect and no true love. So for those who cheat, don't be a coward and walk away and be single. Stop hurting your couple. For those who are being cheated on, get out while you can! You are not only risking your self-esteem and your heart; you are risking your life. So be strong, know that a relationship is not a threesome and give yourself freedom from chains that are dragging you down. You will live to see another tomorrow.  It will be a better tomorrow because you will be able to hold your head up high and respect yourself. (Unknown author for the picture)