Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Dearest Friend

My Dearest Friend,
I am saddened by your state of mind, by the turmoil in your life and the pain in your heart. I know you are angered for where has the time gone. That innocent young mind full of hopes and dreams is now slapped in the face by the reality of life. Did you believe life would be heavenly bliss? I knew not, for my thoughts were plagued with sadness at the age of five. Only to explain my state of mind at five-years-old, I was sitting on a step crying over the atomic bomb and how many people it would kill. Does a child think this way? A child who will grow up to self-implode, yes. However, let us not stray from the issue at hand. I want you to know that life is unpredictable. One minute you are here and the next you are there. That is the way life works, forever changing. If you resist the change, you will only anguish that much more. My friend, allow yourself to cocoon so that from that shell will emerge a majestic butterfly.  That butterfly will fly free, able to land on fields of flowers. What you feel today, if you let it go, will be forgotten tomorrow.  I promise.
With Love,
Your friend

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