Monday, January 6, 2014

The Best a friend could be....

To lose your only friend in life
How mystifying that is to me
To lose your only one true friend
What a devastating tragedy
The friend you knew in pony tails
Who played Red Roses with you
The friend that dressed as a nun
While you dressed like a clown
We stood at Hallmark for hours
Laughing until our tummies hurt
In our youth we danced til dawn
Enjoying every minute together
We were hungry one day in June
We cooked a burnt pizza that day
Funny days, fun days, sad days
We shared them all the same
When she was to be married
I did not go to her wedding
I regret making that choice
But I just couldn't give her away
For a long time we didn't speak
You see I was broken hearted
For I didn't know how to share her
She was my older sister in life
Then suddenly I was by myself
Soon enough we spoke again
Oh how I missed her near me
She traveled the world, had babies
I went to University and grew up
Not one day in all that time
Was there a day that I didn't miss
The jokes, the tricks, the games
Spending 365 days a year together
Now we are half past twelve
I have been through hell and back
Now the game is half way over
She has lived a quiet peaceful life
We are different as black on white
Yet no matter how much time
When we are together we are
Six again, 15 again, young again
We laugh, we cry, we reminisce
This life-long friendship of ours

                           -Susana Zaragoza

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