Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Dearest Robert

My Dearest Robert,

It is going to be so difficult to have you go away far and to not know how long you will be gone. It seems right now that we cannot speak to one another without arguing. Whether it's the illness, the fear of losing each other or just all our pain, writing to you what I feel is easier. We have both lived a hard life. We have both been hurt. I think I had to stop my fight or flight response after we got together. I found the way to stop that response through God. Not a church, not a temple, but my best friend God. I believe that my same God gave me a best friend in you. I vow on my own life that I will do everything in my power to make myself better while you are gone. I want you to know that I love you Robert. You are the best friend I ever had and with you I can share anything knowing you won't judge me. I am asking God to send the holy spirit with you to guide you and protect you wherever you are to be placed. I also ask God to bring his holy hand of healing to your body and heal you of your illness. I ask that he make your mind whole and that he comfort your heart. I am strong Robert. Much stonger than people give me credit for and I will be waiting for you. There is no time or distance that will change my dedication to you and my love for you. God let us cross paths and now we have to work to make US work. I love you Babe and remember God is always with us. It's not just empty words. The fact that we are still alive today is testimony that God exists.

Love Always,
Your Marshmallow

Remember this? +Robert Faz

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