Saturday, July 26, 2014

Lessons I Have Learned

Having children is a gift from God. Cherish every moment.

True love is very difficult to find. If you find it, make sure you value it every day.

Relationships need tender loving care to stay strong.

Money has its place in the world. Money should not have a place in your heart.

Every once in a while STOP, breathe in some air and look at the simple pleasures of life.

A true friendship is a diamond in the rough. It can withstand rain, sleet, hurricanes, tornados and more.

One must love themselves before they can love anyone else.

A mansion or a studio apartment are four walls. It is who is within that makes it a home.

There are many more but I'll stop with this all encompassing passage:

Put GOD first in your life and your life will be blessed in abundance and you shall not want for anything.

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