Saturday, January 17, 2015


I fell asleep in the anguish of my pain. There was nothing I could say or think that would make things better. I pulled the covers over my head and delved into my sadness. In my sleep, I forgot my disappointment,  but as soon as I awoke, my heart raced, my head hurt and my soul was aching.

I think there are some people that are never meant to be happy. Just when we think that we have achieved happiness, our world falls apart. Everything comes crashing down, overwhelming the senses.

Why am I so sensitive? I wear my heart on my sleeve and nothing can protect me. Cruelty shows no mercy on the weak of heart. Cruelty creeps in every chance it has and stabs me with its ragged edges. It disguises itself as kindness, even love, only to gain access. Then, swiftly brings out its sword and does away with all of me.

I am numb. I hurt. I can feel it. I can feel the insecurities of despair, but I am numb. I have walked this path too many times. Wretched misery is quite familiar. Although I want no part of it, it always finds me. It's a curse that I do not want to own, but it owns me. Misery, oh sweet sulking misery. You cover the walls of my mind and everything goes black. I have my eyes shut wide open. Inside lives all the turmoil, all the deceit, all the unhappiness, but no one would ever guess. My eyes are wide open. A smile stamped on my face, I walk through life. I trek through the jungles, the mountains and the deserts. I don't waiver for you to see. I hide my dear sweet misery.

One time. Two times, three. There is no one more unlucky than me. I have seen no rainbow. The storm continues to fall and the thunder continues to hit. "Slam! Slam! Whapoosh!" Thunder, striking my bare skin. The water now flowing up my waist. When will the tears stop? When will my heart no longer ache?

A patch of flowers lies ahead. Roses, bountiful to see. The crimson red filling my heart with joy. I draw closer, almost being able to touch the petals. I am afraid for they are so enticingly enchanting. I am there between the roses smelling their sweet scent. I reach for one, carefully, and the wretched creature cuts me. I am bleeding once again. I am in sweet, sweet pain. O, wretched misery, even in the midst of beauty,  you have found me.

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