Thursday, October 30, 2014


Time was nearing the end. The end of my life, the end of the world, the end of time. The clocks all sped up, moving forward uncontrollably. The world was at war, food was scarce, and there was no mercy. Satan himself had taken control of the world, corruption and heathenism with no limits. Bilzabub stood before the people rejoicing in the sin and avaricious man. Everywhere there was man against man, nation against nation. Believers of God were being slaughtered in all corners of the land. Gunfire could be heard and there was no peace.

They had caught me preaching the coming of Christ and about the heavans being prepared for our arrival. I spoke about a time when we would praise God, with no worldly clocks. A time when we would rejoice in God's love. We would feel no more sadness or pain.

"Do you renounce your God?", said the monstrous voice. I looked over to his soul-less eyes. I felt my body quiver from his evil presence. Again louder, "Renounce your God or you shall die!" "Satan you have no dominion over my soul. Do what you must! I exalt my God over everything." They placed my physical body over the guillotine block and I felt no fear of death." A slicing of flesh, my head severed from my body. My soul released from this Earth.

Story by Susana Zaragoza

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