Sunday, November 9, 2014

No Escape

Even if I cry a thousand tears for a thousand days, you will never be mine. You have other plans. I wanted you to be my lover, my friend. I don't want to go on without you. I refuse to go on in this world void of you. I think, what statement of my undying love can I make as I end my life. If I send you a letter telling you that I'm gone, will you cry? Will you fall to your knees and regret?

I remember the day I saw you in the campus lawn, leaning against a huge oak tree. I pretended to be lost just to get your attention. I recall being flustered because you didn't notice me. No matter, it gave me an opportunity to look at your stern but beautiful brown eyes. I saw how your lips puckered with a tinge of red. It made me want to run and kiss you. Of course, you would think I was a total lunatic. I re-plotted and decided to walk by the tree and accidentally fall. You couldn't ignore me then because a gentleman must always help a beautiful student in distress.

So, I activated my plan, not suspecting I would slip and fall, no acting needed. I landed bum first on his legs, my books splattering everywhere.  I'm not sure who was in more pain. Although I am quite sure it was him because he had broken my fall. I apologized frantically for my stupidity regretting I had even thought of walking by in the first place. He slowly helped both of us to our feet, picked up my books and groaned a quiet groan, trying to save face. Once everything was in its place, he stood and looked right in my eyes as I apologized. I knew him as one of the smartest, if not the smartest person on campus. He apologized even though it was clear that I was at fault. Then out of nowhere we both started to laugh.

I knew he was the one for me a year ago;  I was right. I didn't need to look any further. I was already thinking of our wedding day as he was asking me my name.  "Oh, my name is Mariana and you, of course, are Andrew." It surprised him a bit how I knew his name but we just kept talking. By this time Andrew had to go to class so he quickly asked me if I wanted to attend the Senior Bash he was throwing at his house. Everybody was talking about this party, and he was inviting me personally. It was one month before graduation, but Andrew knew he wouldn't have time closer to the end of term because of cramming for finals.  She gave him her number never really expecting him to call.

Mariana went on with her usual week, trying to keep up with school and a part-time job to help pay tuition.  Her parents helped where they could. Andrew was always in her thoughts. Early Thursday she got a call from Andrew. He was wondering if she could come to his house and help everyone with decorating. She rapidly agreed to be there by 10 pm after work.  Mariana sat in class and imagined him holding her and giving her a passionate kiss, a scene she had replayed in her mind hundreds of times. Then she worried he might not like how she kissed. She had never kissed a boy before. She had never had a boyfriend. She had so much going through her head she barely did any homework that week. She went to work and it kept her occupied. It helped her make it through the week as minutes seemed like hours.

Thursday finally came and she was able to get to his house on time. She was let in right as the last person was leaving. They had finished decorating before she got there so they sat in the living room talking and he grabbed her a coke and some pizza. The decorations were fabulous and half the campus was expected to be there.

Andrew asked Mariana if she wanted to go up to his room for a bit to listen to music and show her his acceptance letters, yes with an s. Sure, she thought as she followed him up the stairs to his room. He said casually, "I have to be at the dorms by midnight. That gives us some time to talk." He put on some music and she sat on his bed feeling butterflies in her stomach. The minute he sat next to her both of them knew Mariana should leave. Mariana felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest. She stayed knowing they were in for the night of their lives. Mariana was so impressed by Andrew's presence that all she thought was about pleasing him. They made love the entire night;  curfew, parents, everything out the window. They fell asleep only out of exhaustion. In the morning they sneaked Mariana out of the house. She called her mom and said she had stayed at her besties because she had to cram for an exam. She was exhausted but finished the day. She went home and crashed until early evening when her mom woke her up for dinner.

She got a call from Andrew about an hour later. He said he hoped she could be at the party, that he had a great time and then he slipped in a question. "Are, are you on birth control? I'm going to medical school and all." Mariana's heart stopped. She took a deep breathe because for the first time she realized they had not used protection. "Yes, of course." Shit Mariana...what had she done? She didn't go to the party that night and avoided Andrew like the plague because she wanted to know. He was going off to med school. His plans were clear. It wasn't until three days after missing her period, test after test, that she knew her life was over. She took the test for reassurance but she already knew.

There was no way out of this one. Mariana's parents would be so disappointed at her. She figured out the way she would die, nothing else mattered. She wrote a little note which she planned on quickly giving Andrew and walking away. When Marians saw him, she would not speak.  She would simply hand him the note.

Instead, two days before graduation, they found her body splattered outside Andrew's dorm building. In her pocket she had a note that said, I'm pregnant. She had wanted to give it to him a thousand times and a thousand times she failed. While he was in class she had text him the words "I'm sorry."  He didn't understand what she meant until he got back to his dorms.

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