Saturday, December 13, 2014

While Sleeping...

There are two things that are guaranteed to us in this world. Those two things are set on total opposites of the spectrum. What are they, you might ask? Can you guess? Let me spare you the agony of having to figure it out. We as human beings come into this world through birth and leave this world through death. Yes, indeed,  I can guarantee that all of us share these two experiences.
What one does with the time in between, does not come with an instruction manual.

In God's word it is said that all our lives are written even before we are born. Yet, the Holy Bible also explains that God gave us free will. So, which is it? Do we have free will or are we pre-destined to make every choice, every decision, as it was written? Can we assume that we are just following some scripted lines, and we stay on this Earth until our last scene. Those are quite interesting questions to ponder. I am owner of my own opinion, but I cannot, will not, say for definite what is true. I am human. I am on this Earth. I have completed my first task, birth. I so would love to remember the experience, but I do not. Not one second of my adventurous birth can I recollect.

It was an event to remember,  from what I hear. My siblings explained how my mother was dying giving birth to me. She had what now sounds like pre-eclampsia. In 1973 there was probably no such term to explain my mother's agony. The doctors also lost my heart beat. They took my mother into surgery to extract a still-born baby. Instead, here I am today with three children of my own. Was I dead? Inside my mother's protective womb, had my heart stopped beating? Did I live and die before I was born?

Whatever may have happened,  I ended up being the last of eight children. However, as I lay here writing, it seems I was born an only child. None of my brothers and sisters are in my life. They all have families to tend. Of course, so do I.  Is it my fault that I am so distant from my family? If I knew the answer to that question, it would make things so much easier. I finally accepted that I am the runt. I am the plus 1. Nine years span between myself and my older sister. I lived like an only child with my mother and father. Well, enough of that.

I started writing sometime in the wee hours of the night. I woke up, picked up my phone, and I had written part of a new post. I went to sleep angry so I must of had things to say. So, my thoughts were turned into a post. Funny, I actually make sense writing while I sleep. I just don't remember the point of my writing. Nonetheless less, I'm  posting.

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