Saturday, November 9, 2013

Mother of Mine

I lost you years ago, now. My faith compels me to believe you are in heaven. A mist that is phantasmic and your soul lingers in sweet bliss. I am one against the world,  you being gone. The pain I feel stays silent in my heart. No one listens. Your husband is crying for you. Your husband is needing you. I do not know how to help him, my father, your husband.  I try speaking your sweet sweet name and tears roll down my cheeks. Best friend of mine, my life. Your grandchildren are growing now, all in their own distinct path. They are full of bravery reminding me of you. They speak their mind and protect their own. A funny thing I will share with you. I am their queen like you were mine. Now that I cannot hug you I extend my arms to them and they quiet my heart. I miss you madre. At times I lay on your bed and I recall your strength, your battles. My warrior, my queen...the most beautiful and precious gem and I discovered you. You gave me all of you madre and selfishly, I want you back. I want to lay next to you and have my children love you as they love me. I'm crying, my soul missing your existence relishing your memories. 

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