Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Illuminate New World Order

Do you run and hide or cringe when you hear the word Illuminate?  Illuminate,also known as New World Order, is not a novice idea that came into play in recent years. The first thing you might ask yourself is if I am a lunatic with conspiracy theories with persecutory delusions. I keep hearing Jay Z, Madonna among other famous people are a part of the Illuminate. 
Although the name illuminate would dictate the meaning of shedding light on something the facts are contrary to this idea.  Any affiliation with a secret society would emphasize the word secrecy. These are sects of people that are fundamentally engrained in world economics and religion without being able to identify who they are by name. They, a powerful and technologically saavy generation of a wealthy few, do in fact dictate the course of our history, our present and our future.

"The minority [New World Order], the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them.”
- Albert Einstein

It is a secret society of centuries dating farther back then the 1600 hundreds. They are wealthy, powerful, well-situated in critical positions around the world. They are by no means limited to the boundaries of the United States. We are not that important,  although we would like to believe that we are. There are shifts of power, deaths of leaders, even the resignation of The Pope of the Vatican that pertain to the type of power we do not want to believe dictates our lives.  We as typical daily workers, the general population, do not even figure into the equation. The pawns used by these secret societies are States, countries, religions. It is believed that it all started with the idea of a few men that the World should have one government and one religion orchestrated by a complex order of hierarchy. Since then this phantom society has caused cataclysmic events in the world. What was there purpose in history? Perhaps unity as a people under one rule. What is the impetus now? Power, glory, control and the almighty power over money and lives.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. Among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
-Preamble to the United States Constitution

You might say, why is this New World Order important to us? It is important to us because we are not important to them. We are nobodies;  we are casualties of a game of chess.  If they choose so, we the people will starve, live under a tree, have no medical care, die if that helps to put in place the current master plan. I say the current master plan because even in secret societies there is a passing of the staff. When one leader dies, the World is at the mercy of the next in line.

Can a technological super power cause a catastrophic seismic movement, earthquake, in a set location? Simply put,  yes. Can tornadoes be initiated by mankind? Again, yes.
Nevermind destruction artillary such as the atomic bomb and chemical weapons that are readily transferred from government to government. 

One of the untouchables of the world has recently been penetrated by a newly formed entity in 2009 called the International Tribunal into crimes of Church and State. The Pope of the Vatican stepped down and the Vatican in Rome is at risk of being dismantled. How? Impossible!

So, ask yourself, in the scope of New World Order will the United States continue to be the number one world power? Does anyone care that our government is shut down and that it takes money to pay our bills and feed our family? A resounding No.

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